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Rotten Tomatoes is a popular review aggregator website for movies and TV shows. It was launched in 1998 and has over 26 million unique monthly visitors. Users can rate and review content, which helps generate a "Tomatometer" score that reflects the overall critical consensus.
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What is RottenTomatoes?
RottenTomatoes is a popular American review-aggregation website founded in 1998. The company provides a platform for users to rate and review movies and TV shows. It also aggregates reviews from professional critics and assigns a score based on the overall consensus. The website is owned by Fandango, a subsidiary of NBCUniversal.
As of 2021, RottenTomatoes has over 13 million registered users who actively use the website to find reviews and ratings for movies and TV shows. The website also receives over 27 million unique visitors per month, making it one of the most popular movie review websites in the world.
RottenTomatoes has become a go-to source for movie lovers and has significantly impacted the film industry. Its influence on movie-goers' decisions has been widely recognized, as a high score on the website can lead to an increase in ticket sales for a particular movie.
How to promote with RottenTomatoes?
The algorithm behind RottenTomatoes votes and reviews is designed to provide an accurate representation of a movie's quality. The website collects votes and reviews from both professional critics and average viewers, and calculates the percentage of positive reviews for each movie. This percentage is then used to assign a "Fresh" or "Rotten" rating to the movie.
People in the film industry use RottenTomatoes as a marketing tool to promote their movies. A high percentage of positive reviews can help generate buzz and attract more viewers, while a low percentage can hurt a movie's chances at the box office. Studios and filmmakers will often use positive quotes from RottenTomatoes reviews in their promotional materials and advertising campaigns.
However, some critics have criticized the website's algorithm, arguing that it oversimplifies the complexity of film criticism and reduces opinions to a binary "Fresh" or "Rotten" rating. Despite this, RottenTomatoes remains a popular and influential platform for movie reviews and ratings.